Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Four Years!
It is amazing how quickly time flies when life is great. With that being said, the last four years have just flown by since Billy and I got married. In the past four years, I started and completed my MBA, we have taken many fun trips around the country including: Seattle, New York, San Francisco, Salt Lake City and Mexico, Billy has started his MBA and been promoted at work, we have the best, cutest twin boys and we have enjoyed every moment of the last four years. There have been tough times, but being married to Billy has made life wonderful. I am married to a man that always says that no one can love me as much as he loves me. I am lucky to know this and to hear it daily. I love you Billy and I am very lucky that you waited and were patient for me to decide that I wanted to marry you! Best decision of my life! Happy four years Billy and I look forward to the endless amount of years we have left to spend together.
We have been to the Mexico beach house twice and it is beautiful and we have fun memories with family and friends. Now that I have my passport, hopefully we can go again soon!

Sunday, September 19, 2010
A Night Out!
Who is this you might ask??? Well, it is Jeff Flake, a congressman from Arizona and Billy and I had dinner with him on Saturday night.
You might wonder how we got hooked up with this established congressman, well, we attended the most beautiful and amazing wedding reception and sat next to him during dinner on Saturday night. On our way home, Billy and I talked about how we wished we both knew more about politics, but maybe we'll study up and be more prepared for our next big wedding reception!
The wedding reception was for Tiffani and Justin Nelson. Billy knows Justin from his ward before he went on his mission and he works at Todd's company (Todd is the dad of the groom). They are such a cute couple and the Nelson's are such a wonderful family it was fun to be there. It was a black tie event and it was so much fun getting dressed up for a party...it doesn't happen that often!
Here Paige and I are at the social hour between the ring ceremony and the dinner.
The centerpieces on the table were absolutely beautiful! I loved them and one of the coolest things was the ice sculptures they had by the drink station. They had several fruit juices that they ran through the ice sculpture that chilled them. Amazing!!!
Here Billy and I are the table waiting for the dinner to start. We each received a box of chocolates on our plates (the gold boxes). The caramel chocolate was to die for...I loved it!
The best part of the evening was visiting with a couple friends I hadn't seen for a couple years from the singles ward and visiting with family. Here is the family picture we all took before dinner...Billy and I, Rowland and Amanda, Uncle Bob and Aunt Shelley, and Paige and Glen. What a great group of people to be with...Billy and I love them all! :)

We had a wonderful night out without the boys, but we were ready to get home to see them after it was over. This reception is almost 4 years since Billy and I were married and it was fun to think back to our wedding and what a perfect day it was. It definitely was not as fancy as this reception, but it was a perfect day and I couldn't have asked for anything better!
Labor Day Weekend
For Labor Day this year, Billy had to work! :( He worked Saturday and Monday of that weekend and I didn't want to just stay at home, so I decided to load up the boys and go to my brothers house for the weekend. My nephew Fenton had his eighth birthday on September 4th and was also baptized that day too. It was so great to see my family and my Grandma Hill and to celebrate with Fenton his birthday and his baptism. We are so proud of him and his decision to be baptized.

Here is cute little Fenton. He looks so handsome in his new suit! The bible Fenton is holding was from my Grandpa Hill (Fenton was named after him). It is a Bible that my grandpa's dad gave him when he was a boy. My grandpa wrote the nicest message to Fenton inside the Bible about him being his namesake and making good choices throughout his life. Definitely the best gift he received in my opinion!
This is a picture of my Grandma Hill (86 and counting...she is amazing!) with all of her great grandchildren. Of course Marc and James are in the middle on great grandma's lap. Marc and James enjoyed being entertained by all their cousins. It was cute because some cousins like Marc better and others liked James better. It's funny how people have their favorites...but I don't...I love them both! :)

The weekend opened my eyes to how hard it must be to be a single mom. I love my family and had a great time and they were very helpful, but it is not the same as having Billy around to help with the boys. To all you single mom's I take my hat off to you and admire all you do for your children. I am so grateful for Billy and the wonderful father his is!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Our Precious James
Here is our little James. He has the most beautiful smile! This post is all about HIM! About a week ago, James, Marc and I went to my brothers house because my nephew was baptized. The first pictures is of James and my dad making him laugh and smile. James is such a happy boy. He and his dimples can melt probably any heart. I love him so much!

The big announcement with James is that last week his two bottom teeth broke through! He is the first of our boys to have teeth! The above picture is what James does now just about all the time. He sticks out his tongue and puts pressure on his gums where his teeth are coming in. You can forget about the teething toys, Jame's tongue does just fine. :) I can't believe how quickly the boys are growing up and James getting teeth is just another piece of evidence that the "baby" time will be gone all too quickly.
The big announcement with James is that last week his two bottom teeth broke through! He is the first of our boys to have teeth! The above picture is what James does now just about all the time. He sticks out his tongue and puts pressure on his gums where his teeth are coming in. You can forget about the teething toys, Jame's tongue does just fine. :) I can't believe how quickly the boys are growing up and James getting teeth is just another piece of evidence that the "baby" time will be gone all too quickly.
Another priceless thing that James does, is that he loves his brother. He loves to laugh at Marc, hold his hand and just be around his brother. I love the fact that James loves his brother and I am so grateful that they have each other to grow up with. Who wouldn't want a built in best friend who is always there?
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
6 Month Stats
Yesterday I took the boys to the pediatrician for their 6 month check up. The doctor is so impressed that I am still pumping and getting as much milk as I do. She is still impressed with the boys progress and is amazed at how close Marc is to crawling and how much James loves to talk. We love Dr. Matsumoto!
Here are the stats from their check up:

Here are the stats from their check up:
- weighs 16 lbs 10.5 ounces - 25-50th %
- is 26 5/8 inches long - 50th %
- his head is 16 1/2 inches - 5-10% (James still has a small head, but it has consistently been in that percentile! At least he is consistent!)
- weighs 17 lbs 5.5 ounces - 50th %
- is 27 1/4 inches long - 75-90th %
- his head is 17 inches - 25-50th %
I love how the boys are interacting. They are playing more with each other and laugh at each other too. I love watching them and can't wait for them to continue to have fun with each other. Hopefully they laughing will continue and that it doesn't turn to fighting! :)
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