Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Our Little Monkey's

These jammie's are a perfect theme for my boys...they are MONKEY'S! They climb on everything!
One of my favorite's...James is working really hard to get to the top (and that board) before I get him! Both James and Marc love climbing on the love sac.

The treadmill is also one of their favorite's. I have been using it regularly and I try to run while the boys are sleeping because they will just climb up on the treadmill while I'm using it if they are awake. However, sometime I stick them in our exersaucer (I know they are getting way too big and old for it...but you gotta do what you gotta do) and they watch me run. They think it is funny and they want to run right along with me! Hopefully that means I'll have some good running buddies!

Marc loves to climb in the drawer under the oven. Not too big of a climb, but I think it is so cute that he loves sitting in there. Both Marc and James also love climbing on the laundry basket. They will turn it upside down and climb on top. They also both love climbing up on the couch, recliner, Billy and me. It will be interesting to see if they are the kids that climb out of their cribs...let's hope not!

We love our little monkeys!!!


Unknown said...

Our babies are such monkeys! Charlotte is totally into climbing onto everything too, safe or not safe!! One of her favorite places is the treadmill too, such stinkers! Way to go on your running, it's hard to have to use nap time for running but it's so worth it. Way to go girl.

Kimmie said...

What a couple of little explorers! Its so cute that theyre such busy, climbing boys! I love those little guys!