Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Six Months!

Marc (left) and James (right)

It is amazing how quickly time goes, especially when you have children. People have always said that time goes by fast and you have to enjoy every moment because it will all be over before you know it. It is so true! I can't believe that my boys turned six months old last week on 8/18/2010. Billy and I have so much fun with the boys and know we are so lucky to have the cutest twin boys ever. Marc and James have individual personalities which are getting more and more prominent each week. I am trying to enjoy each day because it is all going by way too quickly! I can't believe that six months ago we had small little babies that were only 4 lbs. Crazy!

At six months old, Marc you:
  • Love playing on your tummy and are almost never on your back
  • You roll over both directions like it is no big deal
  • You are starting to scoot around and are becoming more and more mobile
  • Love to eat rice cereal and I can't get it in your mouth fast enough
  • and James have started laughing at each other and it is so cute
  • Love to play in the excersaucer and it keeps you entertained
  • Always try to get out of the Boppy because I think you want to move around
  • You are wearing size 3 diapers
  • Love your papa...every time he comes in the room and you see or hear him, you look to find him and smile like crazy
  • You love when your papa plays with you and it is so cute
  • Love having your mouth open
  • Cuddle with Mom and Dad only when you are super tired and we love it
  • Suck on your thumb and love to have your fingers in your mouth
  • Drool like crazy
  • Suck the breast pump since you know that is where the milk comes from...you are so smart
  • Are sleeping about 11 hours each night (Thank you!)

At six months old, James you:

  • Have a million dollar smile (that's what Grandma Hill calls it) with your dimples
  • Roll over both directions, but don't love to do it
  • Love to lay on your side
  • Talk to your brother and to mom and dad
  • Love to suck on your pointer finger
  • Love to watch TV (Mom and Dad try to keep you distracted and have to turn off the TV so it doesn't rot your brain :))
  • Eat rice cereal and stay a lot cleaner than your brother
  • Love taking baths...you kick and splash constantly
  • You love your papa and you love it when he plays with you...you always are smiling and laughing together
  • Your cheeks get really Rosy and you get hot quickly just like your papa
  • You wear size 3 diapers (they are a little big)
  • Get jealous when we pay more attention to Marc than you
  • You let your brother cry and let us know when you boys are awake...you are smart!
  • You are a happy boy
  • You sleep 11 hours at night and we love that!

James and Marc, we love you and are so grateful to have you in our family. We can't imagine what life would be like without you and we love all the fun times we have together. We are so excited to have so many more and are so grateful that our journey together has just started! We love you boys...you are the best and we are so lucky!


Raising Twin Girls said...

6 months already??? Time does go by too fast. Congrats on that half year mileston. And size 3 diapers. My girls are still in size 3's. You have some strong growing boys there and they are "oh so cute"!!!

Chris and Kristen said...

That is crazy that he is almost crawling. Smart boys! I love the blanket pictures. That is so funny!