The boys and I had the opportunity to go to California and visit with our family and friends. We were there for about two weeks and were able to see many of our family and friends. I should have taken more pictures, but I was just enjoying my vacation! Thanks to all who came over and who traveled to see us. I loved being able to see so many people without rushing around like it usually is when I am there. We were able to attend our cousin Emily's wedding reception which was beautiful, visits with Katharina, Rachel, Jackie, Julie, Becky and Cheryl, Kaydie, Great Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle J and Aunt Michele, Aunt Christi, Aunt Kelly and Uncle Chris, and Grandma and Grandpa.

I couldn't resist taking this about a tired boy...falling asleep in his own spit disgusting, but so cute at the same time! :)

Cousin Rebecca loves her twin cousins. She was a big helper getting burp clothes and bottles for me while I was there. She also loved holding the boys. Here she is holding James.

Aunt Kelly giving Marc and James tons of snuggles. She loved cuddling with the boys and the boys loved it too! Thanks Aunt Kelly!

Cousin Alyse loved getting so close to the boys, and it made us all nervous that she would fall on them. We avoided any major issues and she can't wait for her cousins to be a little older so they can play with her.

Marc and Grandma doing patti-cake.

The boys loved doing patti-cake with Aunt Kelly. Here James is loving it and showing his precious dimples.

Katharina, the family friend, came over to visit and meet with the boys. She loved them both and couldn't get enough of holding them. Too bad for her...Marc had a blow out while Katharina was holding him and let's just say it was a mess and she had to borrow some of my mom's clothes. Her reaction was priceless though! :) We love you Katharina!

Grandma and cousin Rebecca are making whipped cream for our strawberry shortcake. What a great team!

We were able to spend a couple days with my grandparents. Here James is hanging out with his great grandma. Hopefully they will be able to spend many more years getting to know one another.

Marc and his great grandpa. Thanks grandpa for hanging out with the boys. They loved you and grandma and we are so glad we were able to spend a couple days with you!
We can't wait until our next visit to see everyone and hopefully it will be sooner than later!