Thursday, May 13, 2010

Blessing Sunday

On Sunday we blessed our boys in church. We had a lot of support from our family and friends. Thank you to all who came and we missed those who couldn't come, but we understand! Billy did an amazing job and our boys looked adorable in their matching white outfits. Right before the blessings started (during the opening song) James pooped and it started to come out. I rushed to the bathroom and quickly changed the diaper and made it back just in time to hear the beginning of Marc's blessing.

After church we came to our house and had lunch. Not everyone could make it to our house, so we don't have pictures of everyone who was there, but here is what we have...

He we are with our friends Josh and Heather and Chris and Kristen

Here is my family...We missed you Kelly!

Here we are with my Grandma and Grandpa

Here is our little family...aren't we so cute!

James was named after my dad and Marc is named after Billy's they are holding the boy that is named after Billy.
It was a wonderful and special Mother's Day with my family in town, but to also have the boys blessed on that day as well made it extra special. I think this Mother's Day will be really hard to beat...ever! Thanks to everyone who made it special! :)


Melonie said...

What a great day. Love the exploding diaper story. Great timing little guy!

Jeff and Heidi said...

What a big weekend for you- graduating and blessing your cute boys! How fun. Wish I could have been there.

Heather said...

What a special day!