Our family was able to go to California for Thanksgiving this year. We had a great time spending time with my family. We were there for about four days and the boys loved it...being in a new place, exploring Grandma and Grandpa Hill's house and meeting some relatives they hadn't met before. We flew to San Francisco late at night hoping that the boys would sleep throughout the flight and in the airport. That was a bad decision because their sleep was interrupted as soon as we got to the airport. Security was a hassle and there was NO WAY they could sleep through it. Since the airport was a new thing, they were just so interested in everything around them and didn't want to even think about sleeping. On our way to California, our flight was delayed about an hour and a half and we always get to the airport in plenty of time to avoid missing flights, so after being in the airport for 3 1/2 to 4 hours, both Billy and I and the boys were done. Thankfully, as soon as the plane took off, Marc fell right to sleep, but James wasn't interested. He finally fell asleep after about an hour on the flight and then before we knew it, we were landing and had to get off the plane, only to wake both boys up again. The story goes on and on and it was about the same story on the way home except for the flight wasn't delayed. Anyway, those who plan to travel with babies, don't plan to fly late in hopes that your kid or kids will sleep...they won't.
On Thanksgiving we drove to Napa to spend the afternoon with my dad's side of the family. It has been a tradition my whole life to spend it with my dad's cousins and their kids. We had a fun time seeing Uncle Gil and Aunt Sharon along with the Reid family. We missed seeing Kyla and her family along with Diane, Tess, Dusty and her family and Uncle Ken and Aunt Shelly. However, we were able to meed Bay's girlfriend and her family...who knows, maybe there will be a wedding in the future. I didn't get many pictures at the Thanksgiving celebration, however, I was able to snap a few of the kids playing area.

This is a normal site at our house...Marc climbing all over James and James is happy about it. If you enlarge the picture, you can see he has a happy face.

Once again, Marc climbing all over James...the good thing is that since we have been home, James has been crawling A LOT and isn't such an easy target for Marc anymore. He can defend himself so hopefully the mauling time period is over...

Grandma and Grandpa had tons of "new" toys for the boys to play with. Here Billy is playing with Lego's with James...Notice how jealous Marc looks in the background! :)

Gotta love that smile...Grandma is playing with James and he obviously is enjoying it!

Marc loved this train cause he could use it as a walker...He loved pushing cousin Alise around!

Marc can find any crack or cranny to crawl and explore in. He figured out how to get behind the love seat and in the corner by the end table one day while we were there...he had to be rescued because he couldn't figure out how to get himself out!

Grandpa is helping Marc with the train...so fun!

Since Uncle Ken and Aunt Shelly were unable to make it to the Thanksgiving celebration, they came over to my parents house on Friday to meet the boys. Aunt Shelly is holding James and Uncle Ken has Marc.

Here is Great Grandma Hill with James...we love her!

Marc with Great Grandpa Hill...I love this man...he is the hardest working person I know. He does not love to hold kids, but I think he does it just for me, so I can get some pictures. He is so cute too, because he is going to be 89 in January and he is planning a trip to Phoenix with my Grandma, Aunt Shelly and Uncle Ken and my parents so he can come visit the boys again. I love that even though most people his age are in a care facility, he is still living life and enjoying it!

Great Grandparents with the boys (James left, Marc right)
It was such a great Thanksgiving and I have so much to be grateful for...especially this year as we have been blessed with our two boys Marc and James. It wasn't easy for us to conceive the boys, but after having faith, we were blessed with the best two boys ever. They make us laugh daily and are so cute and precious! We are so lucky!