The fair is really expensive, so Billy and I bought 20 tickets to play games and to go on rides. The 20 tickets got me one ride and Billy 2 shots at a basketball game. That was a quick $10 down the drain. I am interested to see how all the people spend so much money there. I had fun on the ride, and unfortunately, Billy's shots didn't go in (although the second one was close).
Jeff checking out a deep fried Snickers. He didn't like it nearly as much as Billy and Billy was jealous that Jeff got one
That was the ride that Jeff and I went on. We were spun in circles and the arm swung us high up in the air. For all of you who know me well, I love thrill rides...even at the Fair!
Here we are as we are about ready to leave. It was a good time and will last a few years I am sure! :)